Bell Schedule:
Morning Class (1st & 2nd Period)
Afternoon Class (4th & 5th Period)
Grading Scale:
The Houston County Career Academy teachers & staff observe the following grading scale:
A: 90 – 100
B: 80 – 89
C: 70 – 79
D: 65 – 69
F: 64 & below
Food & Drink:
Food & drinks are prohibited from HCCA computer labs and classrooms.
The only exception is during the monthly CTSO meetings.
In this instance, the instructor will give special permissions for each student to bring in a food or drink item to share with the class during their club meeting.
HCS schools run a bus to and from HCCA in order for students to attend our classes. Due to safety and liability, students are not permitted to drive just because they want to. A student needing to drive must go through the proper channels, which include obtaining a signed permission form from Dr. Kennedy or Mrs. Turvin PRIOR TO the day needing to drive. We will not sign a permission to drive form unless there is a valid reason. Not wanting to ride the bus and not making it to school on time to catch the bus are not valid reasons to receive permission to drive.
Students that are dropped off before class must sign in in the lobby before going to class.
Students that are being picked up by a parent after class must be signed out by their guardian before leaving campus.
How to Enroll for a Class at HCCA:
If you are interested in taking one of our class, you will need to let the counselor at your school know.
Students will be marked either present or absent by their teacher daily.
In order to have an Unexcused Absence updated, the student will need to turn in a doctor’s note, school excuse, parent note, etc. to the front office. Once received, please allow 1-2 days to see the change reflected.